The truth about male self-care

October 28, 2022
10 min read

This blog post was written in partnership with Humanery, the male grooming marketplace đź–¤


Never have I ever heard a man tell his friend about his skincare & self-care routine. But why is looking after your skin or even yourself, as a man, such a taboo subject?

I hear my female friends talking about it all the time: cleansers, toners, moisturisers, you name it, they seem to be using it. But for me, as a man who’s just turned 30, I didn’t even know what a toner was until about 3 months ago. Crazy.

In part, I think the lack of knowledge around male self-care is toxic masculinity brainwashing us into thinking we’re too “macho” for it. It’s not a “cool” man thing to do to look after yourself, to look after your skin or hair. Even being seen in a supermarket browsing male grooming products to try and investigate the concept sets off the cringe-factor for me.

It’s not because I haven’t wanted to, it’s because I don’t really know how. I’m not sure on the best place to go to get everything I need or actually what everything I need really looks like…

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a one stop shop just for us? For men who have no clue what they need to buy? I just don’t really feel like the shop assistant in Tesco has time to listen to my woes and the full truth behind it all, ya know.

So yeah, 3 months ago I found out what a toner was and threw my 3-in-1 shower gel in the bin (RIP) and it’s actually the best decision I’ve ever made.

I started with my skincare as I knew this was my most insecure area (especially whilst dating) and I went on a hunt to try and find a new marketplace that had it all and low and behold, I found one.

I bought this face wash, this toner and this moisturiser and within the first week I saw a difference. Who knew washing your face could be so transformative…?

The physical effects have been astronomical, not to mention my confidence has increased and my desire to get back out on the dating scene! So here’s to looking after myself and a big ol’ shoutout to Humanery for making it so easy.

You can get 15% off on Humanery using the code THURSDAY15 + free delivery if you spend over ÂŁ15!

About the Author
Hey there, I’m Thursday! Just your sassy single soul who loves life. I’ll be keeping you updated here with some cool blogs. Stick around – I always have something interesting to say! Most of the time...
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