Landing Thursday

March 27, 2022
5 min read

That dating app, Thursday. You may have seen their insane job board posted in Liverpool Street, advertising for two marketing interns. Well, hi!!!! I managed to land one of those positions. I know, I couldn’t quite believe it myself.

I had been trying to land my dream marketing job for YEARS.

It took me a few days to actually work up the courage to post my application, which was my attempt at flirting with them through means of a Spotify playlist. Somehow, it got their attention, and just a few days later I was down at Thursday HQ for a chat with Harry and Jess. As exciting as this was, my lack of confidence really got me down. I had been trying to land my dream marketing job for YEARS. Rejection after rejection and that small thing called COVID-19, all led me to doubt my abilities. I was comfortable in my receptionist job, so why would I leave? I almost ended up CANCELLING THE INTERVIEW (call me crazy) but in my head I was certain I’d never get the role, so what was the point? My friends and family assumed I’d suffered a brain injury and pushed me to go, so off I went into London. 5 minutes into my sit down with Harry and Jess (in the most amazing WeWork office, might I add), I KNEW this was the job for me. I felt nervous but at ease at the same time, laughing and joking with my soon-to-be colleagues.

Fast forward 4 weeks and here I am, sitting in Thursday HQ, staring out the window at The Gherkin (it’s really not that attractive, is it?) and I can’t quite believe that I’m here. I still don’t think my dad understands how I managed to land a job through TikTok, but he’s happy for me nonetheless.

Thursday is going to keep getting BIGGER AND BETTER.

My first few weeks at Thursday have flown by in the best way. I’ve been working mostly on the events side, helping with the socials here and there and I can quite honestly say I’ve finally landed my dream job - not taking into account Great Northern peak fare prices. I don’t want to talk about it. My friends are probably sick to death about me going on about working at Thursday - actually I think there was someone in Australia I forgot to mention it to? BRB, need to make sure they know.

I am so excited for what’s to come with this role (hopefully more boat parties) and to see how Thursday is going to keep getting BIGGER AND BETTER. Who knows, maybe I’ll finally meet someone?

About the Author
Hey there, I’m Thursday! Just your sassy single soul who loves life. I’ll be keeping you updated here with some cool blogs. Stick around – I always have something interesting to say! Most of the time...
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